Dinovember 11-2

Guess who came back from Hawaii?

Yes! Ringo Rango and Roger! 🦖🦕🧡

They wanted to experience some colder weather but Rango discovered he is afraid of heights. The only way around it was to ship themselves here. We received a big surprise when we open our box and saw our Dino friends.

“We wanted to come and see our library friends because we missed them so much.” – Roger the Brachiosaurus


closed Columbus day

Peter Rabbit

Have a movie and a craft night with Peter Rabbit, just in time for the long weekend! 🥕🍅🐇

Closed Labor Day

Dark Roads

Dark Roads 🛣

“All those grainy photos lined up in rows like they were in some sort of tragic yearbook. Graduating to nowhere.”

Do we have your attention?

If so, this book is ready to be read ✅



Falling 🛩

By T.J. Newman

“You didn’t think everyone actually lives, do you? Most people just exist and roam around. It’s a choice, to actually live.”

You just boarded a flight to New York. ðŸ›« There are 143 other passengers onboard. What you don’t know is that 30 minutes before the flight your pilot’s family was kidnapped. For his family to live, everyone on your plane must die. The only way the family will survive is if the pilot follows his orders and crashes the plane. Enjoy your flight.

The Maidens

“Don’t glorify the events of your life and try to give them meaning. There is no meaning. Life means nothing. Death means nothing. But she didn’t think that way.”

“It was written” is the Greek expression. Meaning, quite simply, from that moment on, their destinies were sealed”

– Alex Michaelides




Bruce is a big bear with a BIG appetite! He wanted to get some of his favorite foods for his stay, so he made a trip to Stanton County Foods!🍯🐠🥤

Since it was hot, Colleen decided to treat Bruce with some ice cream at The Little Ice Cream Shop! Bruce really enjoyed his ice cream!

Bruce heading to Stanton County Foods.
Bruce found honey, his favorite!
It was a hot day! Bruce wanted an ice cream or seven to cool down.
Bruce wondering what to order.

Memorial Day 2021

Kids Conference 2021

Kids Conference starts next Tuesday! 🥳

All our events start at 1:00 pm with the exception of book club.

This is what are calendar looks like.

Kids Conference starts next Tuesday! 🥳This is what are calendar looks like.